Package Description
Note: These perks might not always be up to date, check /rankperks in-game for a regularly updated list!
Minecraft Perks »
- Access to /nick! Change your nickname!
- Access to /itemname! Change the name of an item without an anvil or exp!
- Access to /beezooka! Buzz + PewPew = Yes
- Access to /suicide! Only use this in-game.
- Access to /pweather! Change your personal weather (also purely cosmetic)!
- Access to /tm message! Use titles to send a message!
- Access to /ast! Edit armor stands!
- Access to /kit Sacred! Get some extra stuff!
- Able to buy Heads from /headdb!
- Access to select a pattern with Drills!
- Access to use the Drills item filter!
- The following Disguises (Armor_Stand, Blaze, Boat, Camel, Chest_Boat, Creeper, Elder_Guardian, Enderman, Evoker, Evoker_Fangs, Ghast, Illusioner, Iron_Golem, Magma_Cube, Minecart, Minecart_Chest, Minecart_Furnace, Minecart_Hopper, Minecart_TNT, Phantom, Piglin_Brute, Ravager, Shulker, Slime, Sniffer, Snowman, Warden, Witch, Wither_Skeleton, Zombie_Villager)
- Everything from Platinum and below!
Discord Perks »
- Fancy pink colored name!
- Change your nickname!